Monday, June 22, 2020

Wall Drug Adventure 2020 - Day 21

  Back to work after two days off.  Still on night shift. I worked with a new employee today, Stephanie.  She has been working in boots and will fill in for us when Pauline or I are off.  When I got to work I found it very busy.  Stephanie and I must have sold 20 pairs of moccasins in an hours.  Pauline was very happy about that.  Being Father's Day (Happy Father's Day to all) we also sold a boat load of belts today. Pauline was very happy about that too. Speaking of belts, I never mentioned the variety of belts we sell.  We have a collection of many US made belts.  From leather, to bison, to ostrich, to bone and horse hair.  From plain ones to very very fancy ones.  Our sizes range from 20 inches to 60 inches.  We also sell some very large belt buckles.  Silver ones, iron ones, steel ones, and brass ones.  We also sell a variety of suspenders. 
   Today I met one of the bravest men I know.  I approached him in the moccasin section and asked if he needed help.  He showed me a pair of ladies moccasins and asked if I had these in size 9.  I checked nad sure enough we did.  He said he would take them.  I said who are they for and he said his wife.  I ask him if he would like her to try them on first and he said no.  He said he was sure that was her size and they would be OK. I told him he was a brave man and I would never be able to one know my wife's shoes size and then have guts enough to buy them without her trying them on.  He got my award for bravest man I ever met.  :)
  Today we also had an incident where we think a family was stealing.  From what I could tell the Mom was setting up blocking to allow her son to put items in her bag.  They were around the store for several minute and in several departments.  They stood out as peculiar, as they were trying on shirts in my moccasin area.  Gina finally called management and reported them after they left.  I think they were reviewing the video and Gina reported on where in the store they were heading.  I felt this whole thing as odd, but I was told by the seasoned employees that this happens a lot.  Theft is a real problem in the retail industry, but at least they have video surveillance in Wall Drug.  Which is more than Yellowstone had.  In Yellowstone theft happened quite often and no one seemed to care.
   That is about all for today.  I go in for early shift tomorrow and I am sure I will miss sleeping in. I leave you with a picture from the Mall area.  This is the end of the hallway I work in.

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