Friday, June 5, 2020

Wall Drug Adventure 2020 - Day 4

   Not a whole lot happened on my last day of work for the week.  My schedule is Sunday through Thursday 11AM to 7:30PM.  The customer traffic was relatively light and sales were OK according to my supervisor.  I learned more about the area I am assigned to and about what needs to be done to close up the area at night.  You see our store is just one store along what they call the Mall.  When it comes to closing everyone has to get there area closed up and lights off and outside stock brought in.  Then the money is collected into one central space.  Once that is done the last door in the Mall is locked and the outside doors into the Mall area from the street is locked also.  Then the keys are taken to another store and hung up.  The people that open the place up in the morning just to the reverse. 
   On a personal observation, and I don't mean to disparage anyone.  I see an awful lot of kids coming through that are very obese.  These are just kids 5, 6, 7 years old.  It breaks my heart to see this as I know they will be facing health issues in their future.  The parents don't seem to care and just keep buying junk for them to eat.  Parents we have to take a stand and ensure proper nutrition is given to our kids and grand kids.  It is so easy to buy the junk food, but over the long haul this is going to hurt so many kids in the future.

Usually this street in front of Wall Drug's entrance is packed with not free space at all. You can see the tourist traffic is down.

Wall is not an unsophisticated town.  They do have several Tesla charging stations.

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