Thursday, June 25, 2020

Wall Drug Adventure 2020 - Day 25

   TGIF.  Yes it is the end of my week.  Two days before payday.  A full two week paycheck should look good and go a long way to balancing my expenses.  :)  I was able to sleep in a little as I switched shifts with Pauline so she could work her second job tonight at the Red Rock restaurant.  She is a very hard worker and her and her husband are saving for the future.  I think they want to ultimately buy a house with their our land.  I think they own a trailer but not the land it sits on.  I told her it is good to have a goal and that it is good they are both working hard to achieve it.  After a breakfast of sausage biscuit sandwiches, which I cooked by the way.  I walked into work.  It was a little hot at 10:30 and that made the walk not so nice as the previous morning.  I got to work and found it fairly busy.  Pauline said she was working on inventory and she would send me to the upstairs stock room for some work later in the day.  Several customers came in and actually bought something today.  Which is a vast improvement over yesterday.  We sell a very authentic pair of moccasins that is made completely of bison and another made completely of deer.  Both sell for about 98 dollars a piece.  I have never sold one in the 3 weeks I have worked in the store, but today I sold 4 pairs.  Unbelievable. Yesterday we go in a shipment of purses and hand bags to sell in the Buckboard section of our store.  One of the laughs we got was the below item that we had to put on the shelf.

  Yes that is a raccoons tail hanging off of it.  If any of my readers want one, or two, we do ship across the US.  :)
   I had an interesting meeting with a couple from Indiana today.  A guy walks in wearing an IU shirt and I ask him where is he from and he responds Montgomery Indiana.  I laughed and told him that I was just up the road in Linton.  I then asked him if he knew a friend of mine named Louie Kavanaugh.  He said yes he and Louie are well acquainted.  He told me to tell Louie hello from Dale Wilson if I ever talk to him.  I emailed Louie and told him of my encounter and he responded that he knew Dale well and was wondering what in the world Dale and I were doing in Wall South Dakota.  I emailed him back and let him know what is going on with my summer employment.  Interesting how small the world is when you can run into people anywhere you go that are from your neighborhood. 
   Many of the employees are worried about the upcoming Sturgis motorcycle rally.  It seems that the virus is spiking everywhere there are people gathering and not protecting themselves.  Sturgis folks are mostly motorcycle people and I am sure they wont be protecting themselves at all and you can throw out social distancing.  So the virus will probably spike around here shortly after that  rally happens.  I see in the news where the NBA and baseball and football are all having spiking issues with trying to get their sports started.  It is going to be very interesting in the coming months whether or not states fall back on restrictions because people cant use common sense. 
  Well that is about all for today.  Not a very exciting day but busier that yesterday, thank goodness.  Enjoy the dog of the day below as it was a mix breed dog that had about 4 different breeds in it.  Very pretty.  Take care and laundry day tomorrow and I hope the weather holds so I can get to Custer State Park for some hiking and exploring.  Stay safe and keep praying for Janie Elliott as she is having several health issues.

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