Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Wall Drug Adventure 2020 - Day 16

   I got up to the weather app on my phone telling me it will be 98 degrees today with a chance of thunder showers later in the evening.  As I walked to work this morning it was 90 degrees at 10:30AM.  I was glad to get to the store and the air conditioning for sure.  There was not much excitement at work today but I did get assigned a new task.  UPS dropped off 3 large boxes of kids cowboy hats that Pauline ordered.  She taught me how to check the shipment and then price tag every new hat and then put them in the stock room.  I got to use a device I never had before to adhere price tags to goods.  This job had me working upstairs in the store room most of the day.  The pictures below are from the upstairs store room. They have a lot of area upstairs for storage and the main hallway in the mall area looks up to the storage area.  They have it designed like a small town and the storage area makes up some of the false front of the town.  Pretty good designing of the space.  The Dog-of-the-Day is pictured below also.
   The store was fairly busy but our area was dead as a door nail after 5.  From 5PM until closing I did not make one sale.  Pauline is going to be mad at me tomorrow. :)  Pauline is having a hard time figuring out what stock to order.  IN a normal year she would be making a lot of orders ahead of being empty on the shelves, because she knows things get bought rather quickly during tourist season.  But this year is very different.  She does not want to order a lot of stock and having it not sell.  Management does not like having excess inventory sitting around upstairs.  So she is having to do a lot of guessing and hoping that she orders the right amounts.  I feel for her as this year is really slow, but it could get real busy any day depending on if people want to travel over the summer. 
   That is about all today.  I hope you enjoy the pictures and like to see some behind the scenes shots. Take care and stay well.

If you look closely above you can see the false front window with a mannequin in front looking down.
THis view is looking down the hallway that connects the mall area
Another view of the hallway from above in the storage room.  To the right you can see the false front of a building.  Making it seem like you are walking in a main street of a town when you are in the hallway.
The lengths people go to bring their pets with them on vacation.
The Dog-of-the-Day, a miniature English boxer.  Very well behaved.

1 comment:

  1. I really enjoy reading your daily blog.
