Thursday, September 30, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 53

   23,000 steps today. No Pepsi truck delivery.  Business very slow.  Weather very nice but getting colder at night.  Those working with us that are in the camp ground have told me that the frost is pretty thick in the morning now.  Not much else to report.  Boring day.  Take care and stay well.  Thanks for reading.

Wednesday, September 29, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 52 (Its a Monday Folks)

    Back to work today on my Monday.  I cannot believe my watch indicated that I put n 23,668 steps today.  That comes out to around 11.7 miles of walking in the store today.  I have trouble believing it because we were not very busy at all today.  Also the Pepsi truck never showed up, so I did not have much to stock in the cooler or fountain.  I am hoping he will show tomorrow as we are getting really low on every drink we sell, except beer. :) Yesterday we were told the Cormark delivery truck that brings us our major supplies flipped onto its side in the Hayden valley.  Today we were told that a bus carrying many passengers went off the road and into the woods.  Some suspect the driver had a medical issue but we have not heard of any news of that crash yet.  The weather here was again great.  Frosty in the morning but around 60 by the middle of the day.  Perfect weather to explore the park for sure.  I missed seeing some hoosier visitors today.  I was on my lunch break when the showed up and could not be reached.  Mostly because I take a long nap after lunch to rest my legs.  I will catch up with them on Facebook I am sure.  They were passing through here after closing their cabin in the Flathead lake area of Montana. 

   Since we lost some workers in the fountain, they have stopped making pizzas. The menu was reduced as they only have I think 4 people left working in the fountain.  We added an EDR cook today.  She came from Fishing Bridge, that recently closed, and will be with us to the end of the season.  I think the EDR is happy to get some help as some have been doing double shifts.  That is about all for today.  My legs are tired and I know I will sleep well tonight.  Take care and be well and be kind.

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Yellowstone Adventure 2021 - Day 51 (Day Off)

  After sleeping in and having breakfast, I decided to head to West Yellowstone to update my phone and computer.  As I was leaving the park I drove down the Madison River drive and saw my first bald eagle of the year.  I have seen them before there and liked to watch them try to get a fish in the river.  This one seemed to be looking for rodents or small game as he was not watching the river much.  Taking a few photos I headed to West Yellowstone and the McDonald's to get a tea and use their internet to update my computer.  I called Cathy and talked to her and Viviann also.  They were doing fine and Cathy gave me some great news I have been praying for.  I won't say what it is but it made me happy.  

   After the computer and phone were updated I decided to head to my favorite spot outside of Yellowstone, Johnny Sack's cabin.  I figured on a Tuesday and it being September 28th, that the place would be deserted and I could maybe hope to see a moose on a short hike around the area.  I got there and there was only one vehicle in the parking lot.  Which was good.  So I set my watch to record a hike and set off down the trail in hopes of seeing a moose feeding along the creek created by the springs.  Alas I did not see a moose but the weather was perfect and the scenery was great.  See pictures below.  

   After a three mile hike I headed back to the dorm for a lunch of PBnJ and to get some reading done at the Old Faithful Inn.  I have not been to the inn this year and wanted to see it while there are few tourists.  See pictures below.  I enjoy walking around that old structure and have often wondered what it would be like to be a care taker of the place in the winter when it is closed down.  Maybe that would be a job for a future time.

  Will head back to work tomorrow and we got a delivery truck today, so I will have plenty of stock to put up.  We still have the threat of a government shutdown hanging over are heads.  We will see come Thursday if the government can get their act together and put their house in financial order without causing harm to the people or the economy.  Thanks for reading and enjoy the pictures.  Take care.






Some trout in the very clear creek.


The fireplace at the Inn


Looking at Old Faithful from the second floor observation deck