Monday, July 6, 2020

Wall Drug Adventure 2020 - Day 36

   Well today started out OK, except for the back hurting.  I got up early as I had a day shift today.  I decided to have biscuits and gravy for breakfast.  Which turned out to be my first mistake.  The second was to take some over the counter medicine for my back.  I walked into work and after about an hour I was not feeling very good.  I think either the biscuits and gravy was mad at me or the medicine had a disagreement with the breakfast.  I was able to work until 11AM when Pauline showed up and then I called a manger to moccasins and told him I was not feeling well and needed to leave.  The manager, who looked like a 19 year old kid, said for me not to hang around if I was feeling bad.  Gina asked me if I needed a ride, but I did not want her to take time from work, so I said I could walk fast back to the trailer.  Pauline was concerned as she knew my back was not right for a few days.  I told her I should be OK but really would like the back issue to subside.  I walked back to the trailer and made it just in time.  :)  I am feeling much better as I write this and I think I will stick to something more bland for breakfast on early shifts and ease up on the back pain medicine for the time being.  Maybe a hot bath to soak the back for awhile will help.  Keep me in your prayers please and thanks.  Stay well.

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