Monday, July 27, 2020

Wall Drug Adventure 2020 - Day 57

  Pay day, at least for those that don't have direct deposit.  I get my money on Friday with direct deposit. I got to sleep in today and it felt great as I was up late reading a Clive Cussler book.  This one is about the original characters of Dirk Pitt and Al Giordino.  The adventures are great and their mix of history and action is very good.  Speaking of history, I have been hooked on "The History Guy" on Youtube.  Since I only have internet here and no antennae or cable, I have been watching YouTube shows.  The History Guy is a great way to brush up on your history and things you might not have know.  Give a listen as I don't think you will be disappointed in his episodes. Most are fairly short 10 to 15 minute history lessons.  I am sure you will find something you did not know and something interesting.
  I walked into work today with the weather being pretty good, but I could tell it was going to get warmer later.  I got to work and went to pick up my check stub first.  Then I put my lunch in the break room fridge.  I have noticed we are getting more new employees because there are more people using the break room. I have met a couple of new people lately too.  Today I got to work with a new lady by the name of Pat.  She was being used in Buckboard for the first time and I helped train her on closing the store today.  So I guess I have learned a little since being here to be able to train someone else.  :)
   I got to work to a frazzled Pauline.  She had stock to inventory, price and put up and had a lot of business since she opened the store at 8:30.  I asked her what I could to to help ease her burden and she got me going on marking and stocking the belts. I priced a lot of new wallets also.  I got her to go upstairs in the stock room and not to worry about the floor, as I assured her I could handle the customers.  The store was fairly busy today and had a few interesting customers.  One rather effeminate guy from India was demanding to know why certain shoes are in the women section and not the guys section.  I told him they have different sizes and he still demanded to know why they were called woman's shoes.  I finally had enough and told him if he wanted to try them on then tell me a size and I will try to find them for him.  That shut him up and he left my area.  Then another guy from India, I guess it was India tourist day, wanted to know where the visitor center was. I asked him which visitor center and he said the Badlands National Park visitor center.  I told him then that would be in the Badlands National Park.  He then argued with me and siad he knew Wall Drug had a Badlands Visitor Center.  I politely told him no they don't.  He walked off in a huff.  Tourists!
  Working the evening shift means closing the store and one of the real pains is telling the tourist that you are closing.  Some tourists take it in stride and others consider closing the store a slap in their face.  Tonight a woman, and mother, did not like me telling her that the mall area closes at 7:30.  She fired back that the signs said we were closing at 8PM.  I told her the mall closes at 7:30, but the rest of Wall Drug stays open until 8PM.  She then fired back "We busted our butt to get here and you are closing."  Then walked off with her family.  The father watched the whole thing and just hung his head like a whipped dog and followed his wife to the other stores.  I really don't like telling people we are closing but I have to start clearing the tourists out of our area or else we will be there all night and Wall Drug does not like to pay overtime.  :)  Tourists!
  That is about all for the day.  Stay well all and try to be kind to those working in whatever capacity you find them.  Thanks for reading.

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