Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Wall Drug Adventure 2020 - Day 51

   Had a good night sleep and had a good sausage biscuit breakfast.  I made the biscuits the night before so I would not have to get up early.  The day was nice and the morning walk to work was very nice as well.  I got into work at 8:30 and the place was a mess. Pauline must have gotten busy after I left yesterday because the inventory of belts I priced were still laying on the seats and the boxes of wallets and money clips was still not processed.  The carpet was a mess also.  So I started in getting the belts in order and put those that needed stocked in our store up and then I took the rest upstairs into storage for later.  Pauline came in an hour early, as she got permission from the boss to do so.  She said it was very busy last night and she could not get much done because of helping customers.  About 10:30 we got 6 more boxes of inventory in.  They contained moccasins that needed priced and logged in and then put on shelves.  Pauline also got in several boxes of kids items.  So Pauline and I spent the day getting inventory priced and put up.  She spent most of the day trying to get the kids section fixed up and I spent the day waiting on customers and trying to get the moccasins priced and put up.  By 5PM Pauline and I had a handle on about 75 percent of the stuff that was delivered in the last two days.  She said she will work on some tonight if the business is slow.  I am sure I will be working on some of it tomorrow.  After doing this stuff all day I will reiterate that Wall Drug's inventory system is way behind times.  Labor intensive and totally a waste of hourly time when modern technology can do so much for them.  I will not miss having to go through boxes of stuff while trying to dodge customers in such a small area.  Let alone having to stack items for inventory in the same small area. 
   Anne-Jo came by today with the following sign for us to put up:
   I have been hearing about change issues happening around the US.  So I figured we would be affected at some time.  So does anyone want to buy my 4 quarters for $2?  I just wonder when that will start happening.  :)
  I did have a chance to show Jesus to a customer today.  A lady came in that looked a little unstable.  When she came to the moccasins area she asked about some shoes.  She then said she had issues retaining water in her feet.  I helped her find some shoes and she related to me that she was in an accident that took her husband's life.  She also suffered a mini stroke because of the accident. She asked if I could find her a plain belt and I went and got one for her, but it turned out to be not the right size.  I then retrieved several others that she tried on and we found one that worked.  She tried on the moccasins and they worked for her swollen feet.  She thanked me several times for helping her and I asked her name.  She told me her name was Lady D. I then asked her if I could say a prayer for her.  I took her hand, yeah I now the virus stuff, but I felt she could use a nice hand holding.  I prayed for her health and her walk and for God to keep her safe.  She was very touched and that made my day go a lot better.  So please for all that are reading this.  Say a prayer for Lady D, God knows who she is and what she needs.  She has a tough road ahead of her and feels very lost without her husband by her side.
  That is about all for today.  Stay safe all and pray for each other. 

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