Sunday, July 26, 2020

Wall Drug Adventure 2020 - Day 56

  Up early today as I had an early shift.  I will be watching the sermon from LFCC when I get home tonight after work.  I watched a little of Gerry Thomas and Kevin Francis YouTube lessons on how to reach others for Christ.  I recommend this YouTube video set to all those who want to learn more about reaching others for Christ.
   After a hearty sausage biscuit for breakfast, I walked to work on this very pleasant morning.  I got to work at the same time as the owner of the store, Rick Hustead.  I said hi to him and he responded asking me how I was doing.  I told him it was my Monday but I was doing well.  He went about his business and I went about mine.  Rick is a very busy owner for sure.  I think he puts in about 12 hours a day here at the store.  You can see him visiting several departments during the day and also spending time in the Cafe making food for the customers.  He definitely has Wall Drug in his blood and that is what a person needs who will be owning and running this store.  His daughter Sarah is learning each day and growing to be a better manager, as I have heard from several employees.  I imaging Sarah will be taking over the Wall Drug store from Rick when Rick decides to call it a day and retire.  But for now Rick has enough energy for sure to oversee the store daily.
   I got into the moccasins department and found out that Pauline did not get her scheduled warehouse day.  As a person ended up sick in another department and they pulled one of her workers over to that department to work.  So the place had a lot of boxes of hats and several printed labels scattered around.  I was able to get some of the price labels on the correct hats, but several of them I had no clue.  So the bulk of the stock will have to wait until tomorrow when Pauline get back to work.  I am sure she will have plenty for me to do when I get in on my late shift.
   There was not really much interesting happening today but one thing came up that I got in a little trouble about.  The store is divided into departments.  Moccasins, belts, boots, buckboard, souvenirs, etc..  As I travel through the souvenir department I see a sign that states "If you purchase more than $50 you will receive a tote bag."  Well today I had a lady spend $160 in my department.  I had to put the items in a large plastic bag.  Now the plastic bags we use in our area are OK but they are not very sturdy and if over filled they split easily and even the handles break easily also.  She told asked me if I had a tote or something to use as they were having to fly back and needed something more substantial to carry the items.  I told her to take her receipt to the souvenir area and show them you spent more than $50 and they should give you a tote to carry the items in.  They thanked me and I left for my break shortly after.  When I came back from my break I found out that souvenir department called and said that we were not supposed to send anyone to their department that spent money in ours to receive a tote bag.  I worked with Dan today and he told me this and I could not believe my ears.  I said "You mean to tell me that they would not give them a bag that costs the store around a $1 for spending $160 in another department?"  Dan said basically yes.  I looked at Gina and she confirmed that the totes are for only spending money in souvenirs.  She also said she agreed with me that they should have helped the customer out as they spent way more money than $50.  I told Dan that they were lucky I was on break because as a temporary worker ,who is not afraid of speaking up when their is stupidity in their business dealings, I would have gave them a big piece of my mind.  I cannot believe that they head of the departments are so split that they cant see what is good for the store and that is making a customer happy.  Especially one who spent $160.  Totally ridiculous and I will definitely bring that up in my out interview when I leave.
  Will be having a nice hamburger and mashed potatoes for dinner and then maybe a short walk if the temperature stays nice.  Take care all and sorry there is not Dog for the Day today.  We only had one come through the store and it was not special enough.  Stay well.

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