Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Wall Drug Adventure 2020 - Day 37

  The alarm went off at 6:45 and my back felt slightly better.  After a shower I did some stretching exercises to try to get the back back in alignment.  It helped some and after putting on some Icy Hot it felt better.  I really do appreciate all the prayers for my back.  I decided to skip any over counter medicine and just use the Icy Hot.  I also decided on a mild breakfast of frosted mini wheats.  So maybe my stomach will be OK throughout the day.  The lunch I prepared was a nice mild salad too. 
   I got to work and several of my co-workers stopped by to ask me how I was feeling.  I have said this before and I will say it again, the people I work with are great.  Pauline left me some inventory work to do and I got to process several cowboy hats that came in for the Kids section.  If I have not mentioned it before our area is Moccasins, Belts and the Kids section.  The Kids section has hats and clothes and some cowboy ropes, both new and used.  After I got the hats priced I used the elevator to take them to the stock room upstairs.  When I got back downstairs maintenance had brought 7 boxes that were just unloaded from FedEx to Pauline.  I got the packing slip out and we had another 144 cowboy hats to process.  Pauline arrived at 11AM and she went over the packing slip and assigned prices for me to put on the 144 cowboy hats.  Most of the hats were for the Kids section, usually priced about $39.95.  A few were for the Buckboard section, which Gina priced for me.  They were hats that sold for around $69.00. They all were nice felt hats and came in sizes from small to extra large.  I got them all priced and then transported them upstairs to the inventory store room.
   Pauline said we were doing great selling moccasins.  The past 11 days we have sold around 244 pairs of moccasins.  She said that is just about even to what a regular non-virus year would sell.  So business must be improving and tourists are starting to get out and loosen their pocketbooks.  I asked Ken, in the Boot section, how the boot sales were doing.  He said in his shift today they sold around 28 pairs of boots.  That was a pretty good number for his 8 hour shift.  The average price of the boots was probably around $180. He thinks business is picking up too and pocket books are loosening also.  I asked Gina if management has given any indication of how sales did over the 4th of July time frame compared to last year.  She said she had not heard but was interested in those figures herself.  Another indication that things may be picking up is that today I talked to my second tour bus driver.  I asked him what regulations his company had on the number of people in the tour bus.  He said his 55 passenger bus had 18 and that the company has limited the max to 18 for the time being.  He does not know when the social distancing restrictions his company has in place will be lifted.  He has come out of Ohio and he said this is the first paid run he has had this summer.  He thinks things will pick up the closer we get to Labor Day but that all depends on if the virus resurfaces bad in his area.
  Annie-Jo from HR came by and presented me with a coupon for a free do-nut and drink.  This was Wall Drugs way of thanking their employees for their hard work.  I thanked her for the coupon.  I ended up giving the coupon away to Pauline because, as a Vet, Wall Drug gives me a free do-nut if I want one.  So I guess if I wanted one I could get a free one every day I have worked here.  But since my goal is not to gain weight while here, I will skip the free do-nuts for awhile.  The last week I work here I may get one though.  We will see.
   That is about all that went on today.  My back felt really good by the time the day was over and I hope it does not stiffen up overnight.  Thanks for the prayers again and keep praying for one another and our country.  God hears them all.  Also enjoy the Dog-Of-The-Day as all my co-workers just laughed and laughed at the lengths people go for their pets.

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