Monday, July 13, 2020

Wall Drug Adventure 2020 - Day 43

   Got some extra sleep today as I did not have to go into work until 11AM.  Took the extra time in the morning to clean a few places in the trailer.  Wall Drug provided cleaning items and a vacuum to use.  Which is good. I want to keep ahead of the cleaning as my $100 deposit depends on them getting their trailer back in good condition.  Also Wall Drug inspects the trailers periodically. 
   I got into work and it was not too busy. Pauline was there and it was her Monday.  She said it was steady business all morning but nothing really overwhelming.  I worked the floor so she could get some inventory work done.  About noon a box came in with around 60 belts.  Pauline gave me the price list and I marked them up and put most on the shelves for sale.  The rest I stored in the stockroom upstairs. 
   Not too much happened today that was unusual except a little girl was with her parents and complained about her foot hurting when we sold her some moccasins.  Her father examined her foot and found that she had a splinter pretty well dug in to the bottom of her foot.  I went and got the first aid kit, which has many items and one being some tweezers.  He went to work on getting the splinter out.  The girl had a very very low threshold for pain and began to scream and cry out.  Every register operator stuck their head into my area to see what was going on.  The mother showed up and between the mom and dad they managed to get the girl to just sit still while they worked on the foot.  It took them around 15 minutes to get the splinter out and the girl put on quite a show believe me.  They bought some new socks for her and put her in the new moccasins. She quieted down greatly after that. 
   The interesting thing about the Dad was that he and I were having a conversation about programming well before the splinter incident.  You see he was wearing a shirt only a programmer could understand.  I asked him where he was programming at and he said he worked for Google out of San Francisco, but was soon moving to New Jersey to work for Google on the East coast.  He asked me about my programming history and I told him what I worked on and the programming languages I had to deal with over the years.  He asked me if I had any COBOL experience and I told him that was the language I started working with at Crane.  He said he knows several people that would hire me as they need COBOL programmers to fix old code that needs updated.  I told him no thanks, as my days of doing computer work are over and I don't plan on ever going back to that profession again.  He said he hoped to one day get to that point also, but for now he is a Google slave.  We talked a bit more about working from home and coding computers and the web.  It was nice to reminisce about the old job with someone who understood it.
  Well that is about all for the day.  Pretty boring I know and no dog of the day.  Take care and keep praying for one another.  Be kind and stay well.

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