Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Wall Drug Adventure 2020 - Day 45

   Got up a little late as I slept pretty good last night.  The day was great.  The temp was around 78 degrees with a nice breeze.  Walking to work today was pretty nice.  I got into work and Pauline said it was not busy at all and it stayed that way pretty much the whole day.  We did get in a shipment of belts and buckles, which we priced and stocked.  I also worked in the store room a little today to get some stock brought down for the shelves.  We still did not get our shipment of moccasins in from Minnetonka.  The total bison moccasins we get from Washington have now been delayed a few weeks due to factories shutting down. The bison moccasins are the only ones we sell that are totally made in America.  They sell really well when people find out that Minnetonka moved their manufacturing to China and the Dominican Republic. :(
  Had a guy come up to me and introduced himself because his name was Bret also.  I asked him if it was Bret or Brett.  He said Brett and I told him that was completely wrong.  He laughed and said he was named after a relative.  I told him I was named after Bret Maverick. He said that was much better than the relative he knew.  I guess the relative was something of an odd ball.
   HR came around recently and reiterated some policies and procedures that were not being followed.  Some of these people not paying attention were costing the store some money.  I have personally seen a worker not pay attention to what they were doing and selling some goods to people at way below the cost of the items. Usually human error that was not caught or they were not paying attention or they were in a hurry.  90 percent of the issues could be eliminated if the store would get an up to date cash register system and inventory system.
   That is about it for today.  Tomorrow is TGIF for me.  I have put some steaks out to thaw in the fridge so I can eat them on my days off.  I have yet decided where I will go but I am debating about touring the bad lands and doing some hiking there over my break.  The weather will play a big role in that for sure.  Stay well all and enjoy the dog of the day.  Stay kind.

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