Thursday, July 9, 2020

Wall Drug Adventure 2020 - Day 39

   Well I am sitting here writing my blog after a fantastic dinner of Oat cereal and pop tarts.  I live a life that Brad Pitt would envy.  :)  It was a very nice day today and thank goodness we did not have any storms.  I traded shifts with Pauline today so she went in early and I went in at 11AM.  The walk to walk was pleasant and the temps were reasonable for July in South Dakota.  Today is my Friday and I am looking forward to having a couple of days off.  After the back issues and sickness and tornado issue.  It has been a stressful week.
  Work was pretty calm today and Pauline had me getting belts and wallets and buckles down from the stock room and put onto the shelves and hangers.  As I have said before I like working the stock room as I can work by myself and I don't have to sell moccasins for a short while.  I have included a video below of the space above the crowds in the hallway between our stores.  Every time I pass over the bridge above the hallway I see the little cutout of a viewing area.  My imagination takes over and I think that if some worker was to ever go postal, they probably would be at that cutout shooting at the customers.  Yes I got a vivid imagination, but then again what else do I have to do while being bored selling shoes.  :)
  I get the feeling from talking to other workers that business has really picked up at the store and that we are probably at the levels of a non-virus year.  This I am sure makes the owner and his family happy.  Unfortunately we are still short of people and a lot of full-time employees are working 6 to 7 days a week.  Sure they are making overtime pay but they are also getting very tired.  I hope we get more workers soon but I don't think any young workers will be coming to help.  It seems like the new hires are senior citizens who are retired and doing summer work like myself.
  We had one of those incidences that happen quite often in retail.  Theft.  Someone stole some jewelry items from Buckboard section today.  Theft happens quite often and most get away with the crime.  I certainly hope their conscience will be troubling them for sometime to come.  God sees all.
  That is about all for today. The dog of the day picture below was one I had to take care of while her owner was trying on shoes I brought her.  She was a puppy and like all puppies had sharp baby teeth.  She managed to cut my arm while we were playing.  Other than that a nice dog and yes I was able to sell the woman some shoes too. 
  Take care everyone and laundry day tomorrow.  Oh joy.  Stay well.

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