Monday, July 20, 2020

Wall Drug Adventure 2020 - Day 50

  Well I had trouble getting up early after a late shift, but I did it.  I am so proud of my drive to be a good moccasin salesman. :)  Grape Nuts for breakfast, because at my age you just need some roughage. I grabbed the umbrella and walked into work.  I don't mind walking to work as it gives me a time to call Cathy and talk about the day ahead.  I also call her after work on my walk back to the trailer.  I found out today that it was hair cutting day for our dog Gracie.  So for the Dog of the Day it is a nicely coiffed Gracie.  I miss taking Gracie to the church for exercise and I know Karen misses seeing her at the church.
  Work was fairly busy but not overly so.  Pauline arrived at 11AM and so did 8 boxes of inventory for us to go through and process.  We had 40 shoes to process, 180 belts to price mark, and several wallets and money clips to process.  I worked on all of it until 5PM and still had about 1/3 left to process.  Inventory does make the day go faster.
   We had a tour bus come in today.  It was a Turner Coach out of Terre Haute.  I got to talk to a couple from Terre Haute and they even knew my brother Linc.  It seems the tour was heading to several South Dakota spots and then into Wyoming for Devils Tower.  Then they would head back to Indiana.  Most seemed rather pleased to be able to get out and see the west.  They indicated the tour bus was practicing social distancing in that the bus was not completely full and the passengers were spaced out in the seats.  It was good to see a tour bus come through and interesting it was one I know about.
   We have a break room at work where we have to eat our lunches and that has a refrigerator to put our lunches in.  Well the fridge went out and I had to use the fridge in the Cafe to store my lunch.  It was the first time I was ever in the Cafe behind the counter.  They were sure busy there, but the fresh made donuts smelled great.  As a veteran I am allowed a free donut a day, but I have yet to try one.  I may try a couple on my last week working here.  You never know.  Well that is about all for the day.  Take care and thanks for reading.  Stay well.

p.s. 19 more days of selling moccasins and 26 more days until I leave.

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