Thursday, July 23, 2020

Wall Drug Adventure 2020 - Day 53

   Was able to sleep in today as I took Pauline's late shift so she could work the day shift and then work her second job.  She is a busy person for sure.  After breakfast I noticed that the temperature was going to be pretty high today.  It was 9AM and already 85 degrees.  The day would top out at 102 according to a tourist that came through.  The walk to work at 10:30 was pretty warm, but I was able to sit in the employee lounge and cool off before clocking into work.  I clocked in and talked to Pauline about her day so far.  She said it was pretty light on business, but we had a lot of kid stock to price and put up, so having little business helps.  I then went about waiting on customers and she worked on her inventory and orders for belts and moccasins.  She said that her belt sales rep told her he would be able to get some of the belts shipped by the end of the month, but the rest wont be able to be sent until the end of August.  Pauline did not like to hear that, as she said she knows the Sturgis crowd will be belt buying, but there is nothing she can do about it as the virus has caused back logs in full filling orders.  She also said that we have sold around 170 moccasins since last week and that figure is well above last years sales.  I told her that it was all because of my excellent selling ability.  :)  She said she placed her order for more shoes, but they may be 2 to 3 weeks before the order will arrive. 
   There was not too much going on today in the store.  The only bright spot was that I sold my very first horse hair belt to a man who rewarded himself with an anniversary present, approved by his wife. The belt totaled $106 dollars after taxes.  Pretty expensive belt but a very pretty and reliable belt that should last the man quite some time.  So now all I have left to sell, that I have not sold one yet, is an ostrich belt and a bone belt.  I also sold a pair of $122 Italian leather boots to a girl today, which is the very first time I have sold a pair of those too.  A pretty good day for unusual items selling I would say.
  That is about it for my Friday.  Tomorrow I will do my normal routine of breakfast, laundry, grocery shopping, and then a 5 mile walk around the town for exercise.  Only 16 more working days, 21 actual days, until I am free of moccasins.  But then whose counting.  I hope everyone is doing well and I got a good report on my sister-in-law's PET scan today.  She still needs prayer but there was praises to the Lord in the report.  Stay safe everyone and be well.

Dog of the Day.  Half German Shepherd half Beagle.  He was a well behaved and friendly dog.

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