Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Wall Drug Adventure 2020 - Day 59

   Well today was a lesson in patience with tourist customers for sure.  I would like to see the following rules enacted, or at least followed by those reading this:
  1. No more than one kid at a time with two parents.  I have seen where parents deciding on shoes cannot handle more than one kid at a time.
  2. Stop asking a child under the age of 5 if they like the shoes.  For Pete's sake just choose the shoe for them and move on.  Quit being a best friend and decide what shoe they will have to take.
  3. If you buy your 10 year old kid $100 cowboy boots, then you are required to show a certificate that indicates you did have your head examined and was proven competent.  If not then I hope your yard sale gets a good price for those in about 6 months.
  4. If your kid does not want to try on the shoes, don't force them.  They will just make their foot go limp and testing any shoe will be an impossibility.
  5. Wash your kids, and your, feet regularly.  Stinky feet is rather nasty and spoils my lunch.
  6. Stop rewarding bad behavior.  Feel free to spank the kid in public for causing damage to display items and shoes.  I will even lend a fly swatter you can use to smack their little rear ends.
  7. If you are in a shoe store more than 15 minutes then you have failed as a decision maker.  Go away and come back when you can make up your cotton picking mind up and stop wasting people's time.
  8. The shoe store is not the place to let Granny rest with the grand-kids so she can reminisce about how many moccasins she had when she we a little girl.  If you want to hear stories go home and tell them around the campfire and stop taking up my time and space.
  9. Stop telling me the shoes are expensive.  I know what the shoes cost and I really don't care.
  10. Be honest about your feet.  Look down and don't kid yourself that you have small feet.  They are fat and wide feet.  Your not 25 years old any more and your definitely not 120 pounds either.  Stop trying on 4 pairs of shoes, each larger than the last, and be surprised that your feet are large.  This goes also for guys and their belt sizes.  Come on guys your fat.  You have surpassed 40 inches and you need to go to the proper size right off without trying on belts you know good and well you out grew 65 pounds ago.
  11. If you come into a shoe department and the person working asked if you need help with any sizes, then take them up on their offer.  Stop rifling through the boxes on the shelves and say I am just looking.  The styles are in front of you.  There is no reason to go through the boxes randomly.  Stop being a moron and take the help and quit messing up the inventory.
  I am glad I got that off my chest tonight because through the Holy Spirit I am practicing patience every day while working here.  As Kramer would say on Seinfeld, "Serenity Now! Serenity Now!".  Thanks for reading and stay safe.  I am going to pray and meditate to wash the poison of this day from my mind and body.  :)

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