Friday, July 17, 2020

Wall Drug Adventure 2020 - Day 47 (Day Off)

   Well the first day off is always laundry day.  I skipped breakfast after getting up around 8AM and headed to the laundromat. The reason I skipped breakfast was that I was planning on having my steaks for a lunch/dinner. 
  I arrived at the laundromat and found it empty, which is good.  I decided to do not only my whites today but also my blankets.  I was able to get some Clive Cussler reading done while waiting for the laundry to get done.  I also found out why it is good to inspect the washers and dryers before using them.  The dry I was going to use for my blankets had a piece of unwrapped candy stuck inside.  I switched to another dryer and then pried the candy out of the dryer and threw it away.  I figure I would help the next person who was not as observant as I was.
  After laundry I went to the grocery store.  I noticed the truck was pretty warm and it looked like it was going to be a scorcher today.  I picked up some groceries and some things I would need for the steak lunch. I got back to the trailer and unloaded the groceries and put away the laundry.  I then started making lunch.  I put potatoes in the oven to cook and seasoned the steaks.  I got two petite fillets from Wall meat processing plant last week.  I thawed them out yesterday and started seasoning them.  They were bacon wrapped and vacuum sealed.  I started cooking them a few minuted before the potatoes were to get done.  I wish I had a cast iron pan to cook them on but the trailer does not have many cook pans.  I heated up the best pan available and seared both sides of the steaks then turned down the flame to slow cook them.  I got them to medium, which is how I like my steaks, and put them on a plate to rest.  While the steaks were resting I made a salad and got the potatoes out of the oven.  I cut into the steaks and tried a piece and it was great.  South Dakota beef is excellent and Wall meat processing does a great job.  Even the bacon wrapped around the steaks was excellent.
  After my great lunch/dinner I decided to head to Rapid City to get some groceries from Wal-Mart and to pick up some new ear buds I ordered.  I went to the truck and the thermometer said 104 when I left Wall.  I decided that I would not be doing any extra sight seeing today or extended hiking.  Just too hot.  The Rapid City Wal-Mart had signs up that masks will be required starting the 20th.  I don't know how people will react to this but I have seen many people come through the store that were not wearing masks and made comments about how no one could force them to.  I have also had many tourists comment on conspiracy theories that make me believe people/sheep will believe anything they read on the internet.  I just pray more every day.
  When I got back to the trailer the temperature never did go below 99 and I decided to take a nap.  I waited until around 6:30 before I ventured out and went for a 4 mile hike.  The temperature was 98 and with no humidity it was not too bad, but I needed a shower after I got back.  That is pretty much my day.  The good news is I have only 28 days left here before I can start for the mountains.  20 days left of selling shoes.  Yes!  Not that I am keep track but I cant wait to stop being a salesman.  Take care everyone and stay kind.

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