Sunday, July 19, 2020

Wall Drug Adventure 2020 - Day 49

   Was able to sleep in today for a little while.  I got up to watch my church's YouTube broadcast.  Archie did a great job and the band payed well.  As always it is good to see my church family.  I had a late breakfast and prepared a light lunch for work.  I grabbed my umbrella from the truck, as it has been raining off and on all morning.  I walked into work with some sprinkling happening but it quit before I reached work.  I clocked in and worked with Stephanie today, as Pauline has Sundays off.  Stephanie said it was very busy when she opened up the store but it was only steady when I got there.  Pauline left me a note and instructions on some inventory work I needed to do.  So I worked upstairs in the stock room for a couple of hours getting belts, suspenders, belt buckles, and wallets brought down to the shelves for sale.
   Not too much unusual happened today.  I got to talk to a couple of motorcycle riders from Indiana today.  They had jackets on declaring "bikers for Jesus".  They were very nice and came from around Crawfordsville.  I hope they were serious about Jesus because both guys looked like they were in their 70's.  I just are wary of 70 plus year old motorcycle riders.  Especially around the Sturgis crowd that will be showing up in a couple of weeks.
   The Dog for the Day is not a very pretty dog, but I chose her because she was 16 years old.  You can tell it for sure.  That is one mighty old dog.  I pray I can last that long in human years. :)  That is about all for my Monday.  Take care and stay well.

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